Meet the Contestants

1st place

Frank Haasnoot


Crowned World Chocolate Masters of 2011!

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  • Biscuit duchesse

    Sugar 310g
    Egg white 350g
    Pastry flour 200g
    Starch 20g
    Egg yolks 200g
    Eggs 80g
    Fresh mandarin zestes 20g


    Whip the eggwhites and sugar till airy.
    Add the eggyolks and mandarin zestes mix in slowly .
    Add the flour and starch and fold in by hand.
    Spread a thin layer on a silicone mat on a baking tray,and bake it for around 8 minutes on 220’c

  • Feuilletine

    Praline Heritage 500g
    Dark couverture Mexique 66% 250g
    Rice crispy 50g
    Candied orange peel 50g
    Salt 1g


    Mix all ingredients at 40°C.

  • Vanilla croussiant

    Butter 200g
    Vanilla bean 1/2 pc
    Fleur de sel 1g
    Raw brown sugar 200g
    Almond powder 200g
    Pastry flour 200g

    Melt the butter with the salt and scraped vanilla bean and let it infuse for 1 hour.
    Mix the melted butter with the raw brown sugar and almond powder.
    Then mix everything with the pastry flour.

  • Almond chocolate cake

    Almond paste 200g
    Butter 50g
    Salt 1g
    Orange zestes 8g
    Cocoa powder 30g
    Candied orange peel 5g

    Whip the almond paste, orange peel and butter till its airy.
    Mix in the cocoa powder till its smooth.
    Cover the cake with the candied orange peel and put it in the oven.

  • Citrus Foam

    Orange juice 70g
    Lime juice 30g
    Lemon juice 20g
    Orange zest 7g
    Lime zest 3g
    Lemon zest 4g
    Vanilla bean 1/2 pc
    Cardamon powder 1g
    Sugar 40g
    Gelatine 2,4g
    Albumine 12g
    Sugar 45g

    Mix the lemon juice and gelatine and let it set for 10 minutes.
    Mix the large part of the sugar with the albumine.
    Carmelise the small part of the sugar and add the rest of the juices and the gelatine.
    Then add all the rest of the ingredients and whip till airy

  • Chocolate tonka Mousse

    Cream 400g
    Dark couverture St Dominque 70% 200g
    Sugar 85g
    Egg yolks 85g
    Milk 175g
    Gelatine 8g
    Water 40g
    Tonka beans 20g


    Mix the water and gelatine and let it set for 10 minutes.
    Cook the sugar and a little water to 120’C.
    Mix the hot sugar syrup with the egg yolks and whip till airy.
    Preheat the milk and tonka beans and let its infuse for a hour.
    Heat the milk again and mix it with the gelatine and dark chouverture to make a ganache.
    Add the ganache to the whipped eggyolks.
    And fold it into the whipped cream

  • Cocoa glacage

    Cream 204g
    Water 153g
    Sugar 306g
    Glucose 153g
    Cocoa powder 102g
    Gelatine 13g
    Water 68g


    Mix the small part of water and gelatine and let it set for 10 minutes.
    Mix and cook al ingrediënts till 105’C.
    Let it cool down to 70’C and at the gelatine.

  • Chewy caramel

    Water 44g
    Vanilla bean 1
    Sugar 110g
    Cream 190g
    Butter 50g
    Milk couverture Elysee 36% 200g
    Fleur de sel 3g  

    Caramalise the sugar, water and vanilla.
    Add the butter and cream to the boiling caramel.
    Let it cool down to 50’C then melt the chocolate and mix till smooth.