Susumu Shimada Japan

The impressive career of Susumu Shimada began with an
apprenticeship at Dalloyau (from 1972 to 1975), followed by two
years spent working as a Pastry Chef at Maxim’s de Paris
restaurant in Tokyo. He further developed his skills at the
Pâtisserie A. Lecomte where he was master pastry chef for ten
years. Today he runs his own pastry boutiques in Tokyo; “Pâtisserie Shima“ &
“L’Atelier de Shima”. As member of numerous prestigious
culinary associations; Susumu is a member of the board of the
Académie Culinaire de France in Japan, Vice President of the Tokyo
Confectionery Association, Chairman of the Club de la Galette de
Roi, member of Les Amis de Curnonsky, and Vice President ad
Technical instructor at the Federation of Japanese Confectionery
He is also one of the rare Japanese craftsmen to have received the
prestigious title of Chevalier of the "Ordre du Mérite Agricole".