Christian Escriba Spain

Christian Escriba is a fourth-generation pastry chef from the famous family-owned Pastry Boutique,Pasteleria Escriba in Barcelona, founded in 1906, at number 546 on the prestigious Gran Via of Barcelona, part of Barcelona’s prestigious culinary heritage and culture. Son of Antonio Escribá, well-known as the “magician of chocolate”, Christian Escribá has inherited the culinary artistic talents of his ancestors.
Christian Escribá began his apprentice at the young age of sixteen
years old where he worked alongside the great master of Pasteleria
Mora in Barcelona. The following year, he went to Paris to work
alongside his mother’s father; Etienne Tholoniat, a great master
renowned for his work with satinized sugar, which is where
Christian discovered his passion and talent for working with sugar.
Before returning to Barcelona in 1982, he further developed his
culinary skills working with prestigious French kitchens, notably
Dalloyau, L’Auberge Peraudin, and L’Homar à la Crème.
Over the years, Christian has won several competition titles; he
was awarded gold medal at the competition for Young Pastry Chefs
held in Deauville, he also won first prize for the best artistic
showpiece at the international food trade show, Alimentaria, in
Barcelona. In 1980, he was awarded two gold medals at the National
Pastry Competitions held in Valencia and Madrid.
Today Christian owns his own pastry shop in the historic Casa
Figueras on the Rambla, now the “in” place in downtown Barcelona to
enjoy fine desserts and pastries. Christian created the first
Pastry Showroom in Europe, where he can share and show his latest
creations to his prestigious clientele.
Christian continues to share his time between his pastry boutique
and making new creations. His recent Candy-Glam rings sweet
creations are so successful that Parisian department stores display
them in their jewelry sections.
Christian is often invited to give seminars at the best gastronomic
conferences in Spain and abroad like; Madrid Fusión, Dulce Fusión,
Andalucía Sabor in Seville, Gastronómika in San Sebastián, Festival
Culinario in Fez, Mesa Tendencias in Brasil, Bcn Vanguardia,
Mercats of Barcelona and Sweet Llambion de Avilés