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Naomi Mizuno

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  • Sao Thomé biscuit

    Callebaut Origine Sao thomé chocolate 70g
    Butter 35g
    Egg white 35g
    Sugar 18g
    Flour 12g

    Make meringue with egg white and sugar (beaten to hard peak). Melt Callebaut Origine Sao Thomé chocolate together with butter and pour the meringue into this mixture bit by bit.
    Add flour into this mixture and bake it at 180°C for 15 minutes.
    Cut with thickness 5mm.

  • Praline gruau

    Almond 200g
    Sugar 100g
    Cassonade 20g

    Make a caramel with sugar and mix it with the roasted almonds. After cooling it down, grind it with Cassonade in the food processor.

  • Praliné carré

    Praline gruau 150g
    Callebaut GIA-D2 (Dark Gianduja) 40g

    Grind the hazelnuts in the food processor. Mix grinded hazelnuts with melted Callebaut Gianduja GIA-D2. Spread it to a thin layer and cut with a square shape.

  • Crème patissière

    Milk 200g
    Yolk 2pcs
    Sugar 50g
    Cream powder 16g

    Mix all ingredients and heat them using a pan. Let it cool down in the refridgerator.

  • Praline cream

    Praline gruau 150g
    Butter 150g
    Rock salt 1,1g
    Crème pâtissière 150g
    Rhum 7,5g

    Whip praline gruau, butter and rock salt together. Add Crème pâtissière and rhum into this mixture and then pour it into a tube. Let it cool down in the refrigerator.
    Remove the tube and cut it at length 11cm. Spray with chocolate.

  • Banana ganache

    Callebaut Origine Arriba chocolate 100g
    Callebaut Origine Sao Thomé chocolate 50g
    Fresh cream 70g
    Fresh banana 50g
    Rhum 10g

    Bring the fresh cream to a boil and pour over Callebaut Origine Arriba chocolate and Callebaut Origine Sao Thomé to make an emulsion. Add fresh bananas and rhum into this mixture.
    Put Sao Thomé biscuit at the bottom of the mould and pour the mixture onto it.
    Cool it in the refigerator and cut it to the size 3cmx11cm.

  • Banana flame

    Fresh bananas 3 pcs
    Sugar 10g
    Butter 5g
    Rhum (a bit)

    Slice the fresh banana thinly and soak it in rhum. Make caramel with sugar and butter. Add the banana slices and heat it.
    Cool down in the refrigerator.

  • Sao Thomé Mousse

    Callebaut Origine Sao Thomé chocolate 100g
    Milk 30g
    Sugar 3g
    Yolk 2pcs
    Fresh cream 125g

    Heat milk, sugar and yolk together and pour this over Callebaut Origine Sao Thomé chocolate. Mix well. Mix in the whipped fresh cream.

  • Praline sauce

    Callebaut PRAMA (hazelnut & almonds praliné) 120g
    Nappage 30g
    Mineral water 20g
    Rhum 7g

    Mix all ingredients and adjust the softness.

  • Mango sorbet - marble praline

    Mango puree 400g
    Sugar 24g
    Invert sugar 30g
    Fresh cream 24g
    Lemon juice 4g
    Callebaut PRAMA (hazelnut & almond praline) 100g

    Heat a part of the mango puree, sugar and invert sugar together. Once melted, add the rest of the mango puree, fresh cream and lemon juice into them. Pour this mixture in the sorbet machine.
    Once the sorbet is set, add praline paste and make the marble style.

  • Assembly

    Place a praliné carré on the plate ans pipie Praline sauce onto it. Add a layer of Sao Thomé biscuit, banana ganache, banana flame and put thin chocolate, made of Callebaut Origine Arriba chocolate, and then pour Praline cream on it. Decorate with figures, made of chocolate and put the Mango sorbet - marble praline next to it.

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Ecole de Boulangerie et Patisserie de Paris
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