Alexander Ilyukhin Russia

Alexander Ilyukhin is a Pastry Chef at the bakery “Le Khleb”. Alexander studied at the Moscow institute of Corporate Management and has taken various culinary courses to profound his knowledge in pastry and chocolate making. Prior to the World Chocolate Masters, Alexander won Gold medal at the International Kremlin Culinary Cup.
Work experience:
2010 – present Pastry-chef at bakery “Le Khleb”
2007 - 2009 Pastry-cook Renaissance Moscow Hotel
2004 - 2007 Centre of Culinary Art “Exclusive” Teacher for
confectionary department
2001 - 2004 Pastry-cook under the supervision of the French
chef Evan Michele at restaurant “St.Michele”
Participation in competitions:
2007 WCM Final in Paris
2006 Russian National pre-selection WCM Winner
2006 Kremlin Culinary Cup Gold medal in group competition
III place in “Dessert decoration”
2006 World Pastry Team Championship, USA
Malta Kulinarja 2006 Cookery and Culinary Arts Championship
Gold medal in “Miniature”
Moscow institute of Corporate management
Faculty: Management of Organization
Specialization: Management of Hotel and Tourist business
Professional college #190
Cook of 5th level