Palle Sørensen Denmark

Palle Sørensen won third place at the World
Chocolate Masters Final. Palle also won the awards for the
best Praline and Pastry.
Inspired by the nature of the jungle and amazon
forest, Palle seeks to show Quetzalcoatl reincarnated as a
snake in his showpiece. The snake not only represents Quetzalcoatl
but is also a symbol of lust. The power of the snake is again
reflected in the creation of his
Palle's winning praline and pastry recipes reflect the tastes and ingredients of the Aztec civilisation. The hand-dipped praline, called "Ferocity", as the name implies, is an intense and unforgettable experience, with the fierceness of the lemon and ginger merging into the softness of the coconut and the avocado oil, and carefully selected chocolate to balance the taste.
Palle's chocolate pastry, as implied by the name "Crispy Adventure" is a cake divided into crispy quarters, each layer brings out different and unique flavours. The center of the pastry, dominated by avocado and lime, gives a long lasting taste of freshness.
Learn more about Palle Sørensen...
Palle Sørensen works as a Pastry chef at Langenæs bageriet in Århus. He is highly experienced and has won many awards, notably in the Nordic Championships where he won a silver medal for best cake of the year.
Awards and competitions:
1995: World Championship, Milan/Italy - 3rd place
1997: World Championship, Stuttgart, Germany - 7th place
Nordic Championship - Silver
Cake of the year:
Baked cake - Gold
Dessert cake - Gold
Pastry - 7 gold, 5 silver, 4 bronze medals
1999-2008: Pastry chef Langenæs bageriet, Århus/Denmark
2008: Pastry chef Hjertebageriet, Skanderborg/Denmark
2008-2010: Pastry chef, Schweizerbageriet, Århus/Denmark
2010: Pastry chef, Harvel Bageri, Harlev/Denmark
2010 - Pastry chef, Langenæs bageriet, Århus